By: Matthew Hildebrand Re: Ctrl-C & Ctrl-Break trap -------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been noticing a lot of discussion regarding Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break trapping, and the difficulties associated with it. Here's some code I wrote to do this; it works quite well. TASM syntax, of course: Notes: 1. To trap other keys, add the trapping logic between @@L2 and @@oldHandler. 2. This code uses int 16h, function 12h (Get enhanced keyboard flags). If you don't have an enhanced keyboard, I don't know what will happen. I guess int 16h, function 02h would be in order. Of course, you could just take a peek at 40:17, but I've let the BIOS do the job for compatability. 3. I've got a P386 at the top. There aren't any 386+ instructions, but I threw it in for alignment. In fact, I don't think there's even a 286 instruction in there. Who knows? If there is, it's nothing that's hard to change. 4. I've tried all sorts of ways to confuse this code, but it kept working. If anyone finds something wrong with it, please let me know. Please direct any questions or comments to either 80XXX or 1:247/128, whichever is appropriate. Hope it helps, Matt